1. Enrolling in Bishnupur Heritage School signifies that students, parents, and guardians are willing to adhere to the school’s rules and regulations.
  2. Any acts of indiscipline, insubordination, interference in administration, disrespect towards any teacher, or disrespect towards any religion or community by a student will not be tolerated, and offenders may face suspension or expulsion.
  3. Parents/guardians are required to ensure their children attend school promptly and are picked up on time after school. No parent or guardian will be granted access to the school premises or allowed to take a child home without the child’s identity card. Adherence to these rules is crucial for the children’s safety and the school’s discipline.
  4. Parents or guardians must obtain permission from the principal before meeting with their children or discussing matters with the teachers during school hours.
  5. Students must wear clean and tidy school uniforms to school. They are only allowed to wear a wristwatch or light earrings; other jewelry items or smartwatches are not permitted.
  6. The principal’s permission is required for any student to leave the school premises.
  7. Parents/guardians will receive progress reports throughout the academic year. Promotion is based on a student’s yearly work, emphasizing the importance of consistent attendance and effort. The school authority’s decision on promotion is conclusive.
  8. Irregular attendance may lead to a student’s expulsion.
  9. Parents must submit a written application to the principal for any requested leave of absence. Students who are absent or late must provide a brief reason in the school diary. In cases of extended illness, parents must personally inform the principal about the illness’s nature and expected recovery time.
  10. Fees must be paid by the 10th of each month, with a late fee of Rs. 100 due by the last working day of the month. Failure to pay fees on time will result in the student’s name being removed from the register, requiring re-admission. Two months’ school fees must be paid in advance before summer and puja vacations.
  11. Examination results will be withheld if outstanding dues are not settled.
  12. The school authority has the final say on admissions, with admission fees being non-refundable under any circumstances.
  13. Students are required to take care of their belongings, such as books, sweaters, bags, water bottles, and lunch boxes, by labeling them with their name. Valuable items should not be brought to school as the school is not liable for any lost goods.
  14. All students must participate in physical education, games, and other school activities.
  15. Any damages to the school must be promptly fixed by those responsible.
  16. Students are not allowed to give personal gifts to staff members, but can distribute sweets on their birthdays.
  17. Students who bring bicycles must securely lock them at the designated area.
  18. All written communications concerning students should be directed to the Principal.
  19. The class monitor is responsible for maintaining discipline when the teacher is absent, and students are expected to cooperate.
  20. Pupils must move quietly when transitioning between classes.
  21. Students are not permitted to leave the classroom without the teacher’s approval.
  22. Pupils should not linger in school premises and disrupt other classes.
  23. Students should utilize free time in the library.
  24. Each student is accountable for personal hygiene, belongings, classroom, and school cleanliness.
  25. Students are encouraged to communicate in English during school hours.
  26. The library, computer room, and science lab require strict discipline and silence.
  27. The school is not liable for any accidents or injuries that occur to students during school hours or extracurricular activities, although necessary first-aid will be administered, and parents will be informed.
  28. The school calendar with holiday dates is provided in the school diary, and attendance is mandatory on the reopening day after each break.
  29. An annual parent-teacher meeting is conducted for discussing students’ performance, and parents can schedule meetings with teachers during school hours with prior approval from the principal.
  30. The school relinquishes responsibility once a child is in the care of a guardian or authorized escort holding the child’s identity card.
  31. Students must ensure timely submission of assigned homework, projects, and tasks.
  32. Decisions regarding students’ promotion, conduct, and certificates are at the discretion of the principal.
  33. All individuals, including staff, must adhere to the specified dress code.
  34. Mobile phones are prohibited during school hours but can be used during designated break times.
  35. Students must participate in all performances organized by co-curricular teachers.
  36. Guardians are expected to cooperate with school authorities.


We believe that library plays a very vital role in the life formation of a student. It is a window that opens the mind of the students to the world. Therefore, we highly encourage the students to make the best use of the library. A well equipped library with a reference section is provided in the school.


  1. Only notebooks, paper, pencils/pens, and diaries may be brought into the library, along with any library books that are due for return.
  2. Students can borrow one book at a time using their library cards.
  3. Books are issued for one week at a time and must be returned by the due date. Books in high demand will not be re-issued.
  4. Students are responsible for the books borrowed on their cards. Any damage should be reported when borrowing, and the librarian’s signature obtained. Lost or damaged books upon return must be compensated for by the student.
  5. Books can only be borrowed or returned during library operating hours. A fine of Rs. 10 per week will be charged for overdue books.
  6. If a book is lost, it must be replaced with a new copy or the market price paid.
  7. After reading each book, students must fill out the details in the library record provided in their school diary.
  8. All magazines, reference books, or books used in the library must be properly reshelved after reading.
  9. Library cards are distributed once a year in April, and books can only be borrowed with a card. Lost cards can be replaced by paying a Rs. 20 fine.
  10. All students and staff are members of the library.
  11. Students can borrow the same book for a maximum of two consecutive weeks.
  12. Staff can borrow up to five books at a time for one month. Books are issued during library periods, not during class time.
  13. Marking, underlining, or writing in library books, periodicals, and newspapers is strictly forbidden.
  14. Reference books and current periodicals cannot be borrowed and can only be consulted in the library.
  15. Overdue books will result in fines as per the rules.
  16. The librarian can recall a book at any time, even before the loan period expires.
  17. Misused, mishandled, or lost books must be replaced or the current market price paid.
  18. After reading, ensure all materials are returned to their proper places.
  19. Food and drinks are not allowed in the library.
  20. Library computers are for academic purposes only; do not change the settings and follow internet safety guidelines.
  21. A “No Dues Certificate” from the librarian is required when transferring or withdrawing from the school.
  22. Strict order and quiet must be maintained in the library.
  23. Library furnishings and equipment must be well cared for, and the library should be left as found.
  24. Library staff may examine personal belongings when leaving the library.

Library Policy & Rules


Being able to use the library is a privilege and teachers and Principal are the decision makers when it comes to whether a student may use it. If a student’s behaviour in the library is not appropriate, the student may lose

this privilege.

Acceptable Use:

At School a student may use the library to research, to learn, to read and to write and must agree to follow the rules of appropriate behaviour while in the some (but not all) of these rules are listed below:

Students should not copy materials from library and say that they wrote Neat them selves.

They shall only use text books / reference / story books that are suitable their age/class.

They shall be polite while talking to the librarian, assistant librarian of classmates.

They should use appropriate language at all times.

They should maintain silence and not disturb others.

They should always form a ‘queue’ while entering the library and while going back to the classroom, as well as, while receiving or submitting library material.

They should ensure that the books are put back in the right place.

They should abide by the instructions given by the librarian, assistant librarian.


Student will only use the library when a teacher, librarian or Assistant librarian is present.


Students shall not cause any damage to the reading materials, furniture, etc. kept in the library or change how they are setup.

They shall not damage the books belonging to others.

They must always maintain the sanctity and decorum of the library.

They must not steal any library materials.

Material(s) given to students from the library is for their use only and they will not give or share it with anyone else.

Get permission from their subject teacher/librarian in writing to photocopy certain extracts from the library materials.

Switch off lights, fans, heaters, and air conditioners if not in use.

Not scribble on the tables.

Not involve them in group discussion in the library.

Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Duties

The fundamental right of any student, in any school, is to receive competent, appropriate, and professional instruction and assessment as an individual, and to learn in an environment free from distractions, bullying, harassment, or intimidation.

Students have the right to have their learning style recognized and respected, and to maximize the use of such – to a reasonable extent within the classroom setting. A student also has the right and responsibility to request and receive as much assistance as their teacher can reasonably provide.

The school handbook clearly explains the classroom and general school rules to all students. If any behaviour is inappropriate, disrespectful, or disruptive, students may be asked to report to the teacher after school. Students may be referred to the Vice-Principal or Principal if the situation requires further attention. Continued inappropriate behaviour will result in disciplinary action such as socially useful productive service or a suspension.

Most behavioural issues are addressed directly and immediately by the classroom or subject teacher in charge at the time. When problems persist, teacher(s) may consult with a student counsellor to devise a collaborative plan of action to best support a child’s success. For more serious behavioural difficulties, the classroom teacher or the Principal will notify parents of the problem.

General Responsibilities :

As an English medium school, it is expected that students speak in English at all times while on school premises, except during vernacular language classes. Students must adhere to the classroom discipline plan and bring the necessary equipment to class, working efficiently.

Students are required to follow instructions given by any staff member on school grounds. They must not encourage others to break school rules. Senior students should set a good example for junior students. Classrooms must be kept neat and tidy, and students are responsible for the proper care of school property. If any property is damaged, the responsible students will have to repair it and may face a fine imposed by the school authorities.

Every student must possess their school diary and identity card on all school days. Students are prohibited from giving personal gifts to school staff, and are not allowed to exchange gifts or bring food items to celebrate birthdays/events on campus. However, they may distribute candies on their birthdays with the principal’s permission.

Students must not wander around the school premises without attending classes, nor should they loiter outside the school in uniform. They cannot participate in any school/college events, competitions, games, or sports without the school’s permission.

Students are not allowed to collect funds or items from other students without the school authority’s approval. They are also prohibited from bringing expensive items like cameras, music players, jewelry, watches, magazines, laptops, or cash to school. If found in possession, these items will be confiscated immediately.

Student’s Code of Conduct

  1. All students must bring their school diary to school every day.
  2. Parents are requested to use the school bus service to transport their children to school. Students who do not use the bus should arrive at school 10 minutes before the start of the homeroom period.
  3. Students must maintain good personal hygiene and wear their uniform neatly. Those who do not comply with the uniform policy will not be allowed to enter their classrooms.
  4. Running in the corridors is strictly prohibited. Throwing objects at anyone is also strictly forbidden.
  5. Students must not damage or destroy school property or the belongings of other students. Any such damage must be repaired by the parents. Intentional damage may result in expulsion.
  6. If any damage is noticed, the responsible student will be required to pay a heavy fine. Anyone who sees something damaged should report it, even if they don’t know who caused the damage.
  7. Students are not allowed to bring sharp instruments or valuables to school.
  8. No books (other than textbooks or library books), magazines, or papers may be brought to school without the class teacher’s permission.
  9. Students who are dropped off by attendants should not leave the school premises until the attendant arrives. If there is a delay, they should report to the school office. Students who go home alone should not loiter on the way and should promptly return home. Students are instructed not to buy or receive anything from anyone on the way to or from school.
  10. Our students should exhibit polite behavior wherever they go, as their conduct reflects on the school. They should greet their teachers whenever and wherever they meet them.
  11. Students are expected to attend all festivals and functions celebrated in the school.
  12. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones or any electronic devices to school. Strict action, possibly leading to expulsion, will be taken against those who violate this rule. Students must come to school in uniform, even for purposes other than attending classes or after school hours.
  13. Students from classes I to VII are not allowed to wear watches to school. However, students from class VIII onwards can wear simple watches, and flashy or multi-functional watches are strictly prohibited.

Respect for School Property

Students are responsible for keeping the school clean by picking up any discarded materials in classrooms, hallways, etc. From a young age, students must respect the school’s furniture, property, and supplies. Any intentional damage or improper use of school equipment will result in disciplinary action, and parents will be financially responsible for repairs. Students must keep track of their belongings and not leave them lying around.

Awareness About Community

Students are prohibited from:

– Smoking inside the school or its immediate surroundings

– Chewing gum or similar substances

– Bringing valuables or dangerous items to school

– Using items not required for school activities (radios, magazines, cell phones, etc.)

– Using or possessing drugs and alcohol

Sexual harassment and violent behavior are also forbidden. Violators will be punished by the school authorities.

Students must bring their own lunch to school, and they must maintain cleanliness and good conduct during the lunch period.

Harassment, threats of violence or property damage, and vandalism are prohibited. If school property is willfully damaged, the responsible students will have to pay for the repairs, and they may also face suspension from school.

Procedure for Resolution of Disputes

For minor offenses, the class teacher, in consultation with the principal, can take appropriate decisions to resolve the issue. For major misconduct/serious offenses, the principal will refer the case to a three-member committee, which will investigate and recommend a penalty. The principal will then inform the student/guardian of the decision. If the student/guardian is dissatisfied, they can appeal to a two-member appellate authority, whose decision will be final. The principal also has the power to review, modify, or rescind any decision at any time.

Rules About Attendance and Leave

Punctuality is important. Students who arrive late will have their late arrivals recorded, and three late arrivals will count as one day’s absence. Repeated late arrivals may result in the principal requesting a meeting with the parents.

Students must attend all scheduled, compulsory classes and activities. Absences are only excused for illness, family bereavement, or medical/dental appointments, and must be covered by a letter from the parents/guardians.

Parents/guardians must request permission in writing for any student leave. Requests may be refused or modified if there are serious academic concerns.

General Grooming

The school has a uniform/dress code to:

– Promote a sense of identity with the school

– Maintain a common standard of grooming

– Provide a measure of security by identifying non-students

Students must follow the dress code, and any deviations must be approved by the principal. Proper grooming, including clean, neat, and tidy appearance, is expected.

Health and Safety

Smoking, drinking, and drug use are prohibited on school premises and at school functions. These are serious breaches of school discipline.

Parents/guardians must provide the school with the medical history of their child, including blood group, allergies, chronic illnesses, and past surgeries.

Laboratory Safety

– Students must follow all instructions and not perform unauthorized experiments.

– Eating, drinking, and horseplay are prohibited in labs.

– Students must handle equipment and chemicals carefully and dispose of waste properly.

– Broken glass must be cleaned up using a broom and dustpan, not bare hands.

– Students are not allowed to enter labs without a teacher present.

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